Finding the right flooring to suit you, your style, your home, and your lifestyle, is not exactly easy. There are several things you need to bear in mind, all of which will greatly influence your final decision. These include how exposed to moisture your flooring is likely to be, how durable you need it to be, what your budget is, and more. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can take to ensure you reach the right decision for you and your home.
If you’re one of the many in Cornwall who shares your life by the sea with a four-legged friend, then you’ll need a floor with superior wear resistance. Some flooring which appears to be resistant to wear and tear, simply isn’t. Durable flooring like ceramic, porcelain tiles, LVT or even carpeting can all be good choices.

High moisture areas, like bathrooms, and even kitchens and hallways, require something that’s not going to spoil over time with the permeation of moisture. With this in mind, concrete, ceramic, LVT or porcelain tiles are all good choices.
The next question is: do you want to install your flooring by yourself? While this can significantly cut the costs of installing a new floor, it really does pay to consider what kind of flooring you’re taking on! For example, laminate flooring or LVT tend to be (relatively) straightforward to install. Both are ‘floating floors’, which means that each board connects to an adjacent board and not to the subfloor. Wall-to-wall carpets, however, can be tough to lay perfectly flat; equally, solid hardwood and engineered wood floors are best installed by professionals.
Fortunately, we’re here to help. We have a huge range of flooring across all types, and when you’ve chosen the right one for you, we can even take care of the fitting, taking the stress out of the entire process so that you can get on with enjoying your new floor. To find out more, be sure to get in touch via the form below.
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